Antidepressants are a standard treatment for depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions in humans, but some of these medications are also used to great effect when treating canine and feline patients. Trazodone is one such medication, and it is… Read More
Understanding the Impact of a Fragmented Coronoid Process of the Elbow for Dogs
If you have adopted a young dog, you will likely enjoy many years of fun with your new companion. As your new friend ages and adjusts to their new home, you will notice their quirks and personality start to shine… Read More
Understanding Osteoarthritis: Orthopedic Surgery for Dogs and Other Treatment Options
Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition in dogs (and humans) that results in pain and decreased mobility due to inflammation and degeneration in the affected joints. This condition is incredibly common, particularly in older dogs, and there are a variety of… Read More
Recovering from Cat Surgery: Signs of Pain in Cats
Even when operations go exactly as they should, patients may feel pain as they recover. Recovering from cat surgery is no different, and guardians must take responsibility for managing their feline’s pain and providing adequate wound care. However, because cats… Read More
Using Joint Supplements After TPLO Surgery for Dogs
Does your companion have healthy joints? Ligaments, tendons, menisci, and other essential body parts make up our joints, and the same is true for canines. Keeping joints healthy can significantly impact one’s health, both in terms of orthopedics and other… Read More
Dog Surgery Spotlight: Correcting Stenotic Nares
Bulldogs, pugs, and Boston terriers can make excellent companions, but the signature “squished” appearance of these brachycephalic breeds can come with some serious health complications. “Brachycephalic syndrome” is the term given to the collection of structural airway defects that… Read More
After Cancer Surgery for Cats: What is Gabapentin?
A cancer diagnosis for your feline can be life-changing, but advances in veterinary medicine have given guardians and their companions various treatment options. Many feline cancer patients undergo a combination of surgery and radiation or chemotherapy. As we have discussed… Read More
Surgery Rehab for Dogs: Managing Outside Stimuli During Recovery
Recovering from an operation can be tough, but facilitating recovery for your canine companion can be even harder. Unrestricted, many dogs will begin to resume their usual level of physical activity whenever they feel better, which can set back recovery… Read More
Seeing a Board Veterinary Surgeon for Your Companion’s Laryngeal Paralysis
For the parents of fur-babies who have just received a diagnosis of laryngeal paralysis, investigating treatment options and planning for the future can be stressful. Many dogs who develop laryngeal paralysis do so later in life, and it can sometimes… Read More
Tips From Maryland Veterinary Surgical Services: Benefits of Semi-Annual Senior Pet Wellness Exams
As our companions age, they may experience a variety of health concerns, ranging from mild to severe. Early detection of these conditions can be critical. Addressing things like arthritis and vision or hearing loss can reduce discomfort and improve your… Read More