Dogs have complex anatomies, just like humans. Every joint, organ, and system in the body has a unique function and set of potential illnesses and problems. In this blog, we will explore the knee. Your dog’s knee joints contain multiple… Read More
Keeping Your Companion’s E-Collar on After Oncologic Surgery for Cats
Veterinary procedures of any kind can be tough on our feline friends, but surgery is often particularly distressing. Oncologic surgery for cats can be an important way for guardians and veterinary professionals to address cancer and improve a feline’s quality… Read More
OCD of the Hock for Dogs: What is Osteochondritis Dissecans?
If your companion has been diagnosed with Osteochondritis Dissecans, you may be struggling to grasp the causes, intricacies, and potential outlooks for the condition. Many factors can influence your canine’s risk of developing OCD, including their genetics, diet, hormones, and… Read More
How Veterinary Surgery Can Correct Stenotic Nares
As parents of fur-babies, many of us think of our companions as perfect. Sure, Fido might shed and have selective hearing sometimes, but you likely wouldn’t want him any other way. Still, some canines have physical attributes that make them… Read More
Choosing Exercises for Dogs with Arthritis
Movement is a double-edged sword for dogs with arthritis. Some activities can exacerbate symptoms and cause inflammation, but routine activity is necessary for better movement and overall health. Incorporating certain exercises for dogs into your daily life can help you… Read More
Managing Pain After Knee Surgery for Dogs
Any kind of operation can be stressful for your companion, but knee surgery for dogs is often particularly difficult. Many canines are active, effervescent companions who routinely use their joints to jump on furniture, navigate stairs, and bounce along happily… Read More
When Weight Loss for Dogs is a Cause for Concern
Raising a dog can be an enriching experience. Overcoming obstacles, spending lazy days snuggling, and going on adventures with your companion can form a bond that lasts a lifetime. Unfortunately, illnesses can pop up out of nowhere, leading to serious… Read More
Soft Tissue Surgery for Cats: Using Antibiotics After Surgery
Soft tissue surgery for cats can run the gamut from complex to simple, from scary to routine. Some patients may only ever experience a routine spay or neuter procedure, while other felines may undergo various oncologic and soft tissue surgeries… Read More
Surgery Rehab for Dogs: Incision Care Basics
Whether your companion has had life-saving oncologic surgery or a routine TPLO, surgery rehab for dogs usually includes pain management and incision care. While administering medication can be straightforward, watching your companion’s wounds heal can be a much more unpredictable… Read More
After Surgery for Dogs: What are NSAIDs?
No guardian wants to see their canine companion in pain. Surgery can be an anxiety-inducing prospect, but soft tissue surgery for dogs is something that most canines will experience at one point or another. Spay/neuter procedures, oncologic surgery, and other… Read More