The dog park isn’t the best option for every dog and owner, but there are plenty of great dog park alternatives to enjoy.
Dog parks are an amazing resource for many dog parents, but they aren’t for everyone. While they offer an enclosed space for dogs to be free and run, they can also be a haven for problems if they aren’t respected by those who visit them.
Why do some dog owners avoid dog parks?
Some dogs aren’t up-to-date on their vaccinations. Owners with puppies or other dogs who aren’t up-to-date on their vaccinations will want to avoid dog parks because an area full of other dogs could be a place where your pup is exposed to bacteria and viruses that could make them sick. It’s best to wait until they’re fully vaccinated and your vet gives you the all-clear to take them.
Some dogs aren’t good with other dogs. Some dogs are reactive, and it might be unsafe to take them to a dog park with other dogs. For dog owners with reactive pups, something more quiet and secluded is preferable.
The local dog parks aren’t up to snuff. There are some very nice dog parks, and there are some dog parks that are very not nice. Some local dog parks might not cut it because they lack shade, water, appropriate seating, and other amenities. In some cases, they might also be unclean and poorly maintained, leaving you tempted to look for other solutions that suit both you and your pooch.
Dog parks can be a little scary. Dog parks can become a fight scene if owners aren’t wary, and that can spell serious trouble for every dog in the park. If the idea of a dog park is scary and owners are worried that their dog could become injured, they’ll want to try some alternatives that aren’t so stressful.
There are many other reasons why owners may choose to forego dog parks, and there are great alternatives to choose from.
What are some good alternatives?
Nature Walks
A relaxing stroll in the wood is good for both dog and owner. The pooch can enjoy all of the new smells and sounds, exploring nature and enjoying a walk where they can take their time and just mosey along.
Dog Beach
In some cases, when a dog park isn’t the right fit, a dog beach is. Dog beaches tend to see less interaction between dogs in some cases, and pups and owners can enjoy time in the water together. These are especially beneficial when the weather gets hot, but don’t forget sunblock and a life vest for your pooch!
If you or your family enjoy camping, take the dog! Find a dog-friendly campground and enjoy a weekend sleeping in tents with your loyal companion at your side. You can also choose a more modern take and go car or van camping where you can find more secluded areas. This can give your dog more freedom to roam and run while you get to bask in the peace and quiet.
If you’re looking for socialization, but you or your pooch are overwhelmed by the excitement found at a dog park, look for small local playdates that host a few people at a time, or seek out one-on-one playdates with other local dogs. This can be a great stepping stone for better socialization without dealing with some of the more excitable dogs that turn up at dog parks.
Dog-Friendly Shopping
For a chill day, you might be able to go out shopping. While most pet stores and hardware stores are dog-friendly, many more retail establishments are updating their policies to be dog-friendly. Check for areas around you to find dog-friendly shopping areas where you can take your pup for some relaxing walking and window shopping (and maybe you’ll find a spot for a dog-friendly treat!).
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